
Brio Marketing

Brio Marketing

Accessibility Audit • Branding • Web Design Proposal

Task: Audit branding elements through the lens of web accessibility, propose updated and new logo options, color palettes, web design, and social media applications.

About Brio Marketing: Brio’s story began in 2018, over two cups of coffee and a chat about WHY. Diving deep into that question helped them launch a business rooted in helping others talk about their own WHY. By fearlessly building integrated marketing programs from the ground up, they learned how making smart business decisions allows mission-driven companies create more impact with their actions and messages.

Accessibility Audit

If you’re a designer working in the digital space, the ability to look at design through the lens of accessibility is critical. Throughout my career, I’ve delved more and more into the world of accessibility and how it translates to good design and better user experiences. Color contrast, font characteristics, logo legibility, and web components can all make or break how your users interact with and perceive your brand. In this audit, I found several elements that did not meet accessibility standards and made recommendations on brand updates to meet those standards.

Updated Branding

Updated logo

Proposed web page design using new branding elements

An example of how new brand elements can show up across platforms