

MindLabX + MindLabEvents

Branding • UX/UI Design • Web Design

Task: Create a new event series designed to provide regular updates to a broad B2B network, design for optimal user journey, create visually relevant and flexible branding, design a web presence for information, registration, and attendance. Create an online event hub where the network can access recordings of past events, register for upcoming events, and attend live events.


MindLabX is a B2B event series that was created in an effort to keep our global network of partners and practitioners in the know about product and platform updates during a pandemic in which in-person events weren’t happening. The branding work for this event series was inspired by the pandemic and the unknown that came with it. The concept is Abstract Futurism, and I went this route because of the uncertainty we faced as a business. Abstract is defined as existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence, and futurism is defined as concern with events and trends of the future, or which anticipate the future. Creating a visual system that subtly brings to light the challenges we faced in a unique and graphical way was an exciting approach.

Inspiration for Abstract Futurist branding for MindLabX

MindLabX came to be the name of this event series because of the connection back to words that describe the business and the actions we were looking for our Partners to take. Think words like “experience, extend, excel, and extraordinary”. This logo visually connects to this concept through the use of the “x” as an “exponent”, and the simple fact that we want our Partners to multiply their impact in the world exponentially.

Full Logo

Abbreviated Logo

Symbol Logo

MindLabX Website Hero Image

Event Session Graphic

Event Session Graphic

Event Session Graphic

MindLabEvents Virtual Event Hub

This is an event hub that was created to provide a B2B network a singular location for all event related items. They are able to create an account, log-in, view their profile, access to recordings of past events, register for upcoming events, and attend live events. I created both the wireframes and the final design of the website.